Wild Cards Wiki

Howard Waldrop is a science fiction author who works primarily in short fiction.


Although born in Mississippi, Waldrop has spent most of his life in Texas. He moved to Washington state for several years, but has since returned to Austin. He is an avid fly fisherman. He is a member of the Turkey City Writing Workshop, attended the Rio Hondo Writing Workshop and taught at the Clarion Workshop.

In 2004 he began writing film reviews with Lawrence Person for Locus Online.

He has received many nominations over the years and his dodo extinction tale "The Ugly Chickens" won a Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1980, and also a World Fantasy Award for Short Fiction in 1981; and this is perhaps his best known work.

Notes and Trivia[]

  • The fact that the Wild Cards story begins in 1946 is due to Howard Waldrop. The other writers originally wanted to start the story in 1985, but Waldrop was the first to finish his story and set it immediately after World War II. In fact, Wild Card Day (September 15, 1946) is Waldrop's birthday.