Wild Cards Wiki
Biographical Information
Aliases Cosmos
Gender Male
Class Joker-ace
Wild Card Traits Telekinesis, levitation
Social Information
Citizenship Citizen of the United States
Occupation Entertainer
Base of Operations Jokertown
Affiliations Cosmos and Chaos Juggling Act, The Funhouse
Allies Chaos, Charles Dutton, Xavier Desmond
First Appearance Wild Cards
Creator George R.R. Martin

Cosmos is a fictional character from the Wild Cards series of books.


Cosmos is half of the Cosmos and Chaos Juggling Act. They toured internationally and also played at The Funhouse during the sixties. Cosmos is blind and able to levitate himself as well as other heavy objects, while Chaos has got six arms to help add zest to the act.

Both he and Chaos joined a group of old card players for a monthly round of poker, but neither one would appear at the table if the other was present. Instead only one of them would attend each game.

Wild Card Traits[]

Cosmos can levitate himself and other heavy objects.

Selected Reading[]

