Wild Cards Wiki
Carl Crenson
Biographical Information
Gender Male
Class Nat
Social Information
Place of Birth New York, USA
Citizenship Citizen of the United States
Occupation Business owner
Base of Operations New York City
Relatives Croyd Crenson (brother), Claudia Crenson (sister), Michael (cousin), Sam Kendall (brother-in-law)
First Appearance Wild Cards
Final Appearance Wild Cards
Creator Roger Zelazny

Carl Crenson is the older brother of Croyd Crenson, the Sleeper.


Before 1946, the Crensons were a typical middle-class family in New York City. In September of 1946 the wild card virus was released in New York, Carl's father died, and Croyd became a shapeshifting ace who frequently lapsed into month-long hybernations. Carl was forced to become the man of the house, taking care of the day-to-day needs of the family. Even so, he was a bit of a leech, gleefully living off the money Croyd brought home when he started to use his strange powers for crime. Carl eventually used the money to start his own business. In time, Croyd's strange condition alienated him from his family, and Carl gradually lost contact with his brother.

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